After learning from IIO that a RFE is issued how many days till AVM changes?Thanks.

But it has been 4 days now updates yet?! And my lawyer still didn`t recieve the details...

there is probably some misunderstanding on my part

there is probably some misunderstanding on my part. your question was, how long does it take for the AVM to update after the RFE is issued, right?. And my answer was it takes two to three days after the RFE is issued. How did u find out about the RFE if ur AVM hasn\'t updated?

My RFE has a date on Jan 24th. My lawyer received it on Feb 1st. The AVM didn\'t get updated until Feb 2nd. The AVM says that the RFE was issued on Jan 28th. The date in the AVM probably reflects the date it was mailed is my understanding.
Thanks JavedG for your are the details.

I have called INS and had the chance to talk with them, they have told me that my case was assigned to an officer and getting reviewed. That was the good news. And then I called my lawyer to inform this. And she called the next morning the INS and found out that my file was forwarded to the area where additional info is requested. But she couldn`t learn what was the RFE was about. She said we have to wait till she gets the RFE paper. On the other hand I am checking the AVM to see if it is updated...but it is not. That is my problem and I am wondering. Thanks in advance.
same here

My lawyer called IIO last week, and found out my case was forwarded to RFE area, but we have NOT received the paper, and the AVM NOT updated either... and my friend\'s case is worse, his case was sent to that area last December before X\'mas, and still waiting in the dark, don\'t know what his RFE about, the lawyer called them twice, no result. So, just patient, we have nothing can do except waiting.