After INS change to BCIS, is the old AR-11 form address still valid?


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After INS change to BCIS, is the old AR-11 form address still valid?

I need to notify at least following fed and stat government agencies plus some of my own country about my address change

SSA (may be unnecessary if IRS take cares of this)
state revune
state driver license agancies
state vehicle registration
consulate of my country
public libraris whose card I hold

My daughter has a US passport. I am not sure
I need to inform state of department on her behalf

Plus many private organization

credit card issuer
auto loan issuers
invest firms
mislanneous others

I am exhausted doing all these.
Do I need to send two people's AR-11 in seperate envelops
or one envelop is enough to send 2 AR-11 form? I want
to save mailing costs:)
>Why would you? The US government has no business
> knowing where US citizens are living.

Well, if they issue you some documents, they may
impose some regulations. For example, I made a call
to notify state driver's license beuroa because state
vehicle codes requires notification 15 days within
the move.
>Well, yeah, but that is the vehicle code in that particular state.
>And you can usually specify a PO Box.

I am under the impression P.O. Box address is not good
enough to get a driver's license because they need
your residential address not mailing address.
Not long ago, some state congtreemen suggest they want to
make laws that only those with driver's license and state
photo ID be allowed to vote in election.
Opponents say that put too much financial burdern
on homeless people because a few dozens bucks is
to them as a few thousand to ordinary people.

Put money issue aside, I wonder if homeless
people can apply for a driver's license or not
if they don't have a home.
Selective Serive may requires 18-26 year old male,
citizen or not, to report change of address to
Selective Service, otherwise how do they
send draft notice to draftees if they don't
have their current address?