After Citizenship - always stopped at airport entering country


New Member
My husband became a naturalized citizen a few months ago and
applied for and received a US Passport. He recently traveled out of
the country for a few days
and upon his return with his US Passport, he was detained at
Immigration at JFK airport in NY. His passport is apparently
"flagged" due to a traffic violation from 10 years ago.
The immigration agent let him go but said he will encounter this
problem every time he re-enters the US. Since My husband travels constantly for business, He spoke to an attorney who said that he could clear up this problem by filing a few forms. My question is:
What can we do , is there a form we can file to prevent this inconvenience in the future? or is this a case in wich we need to hire an attorney?

Can you advise please

Thank you
Could you elaborate on the nature of the traffic violation and how it was resolved and whether it was documented in the N-400 application.
