advice for visa, friend from S. America


New Member
I spent 6 months in south america about a year ago. A girl I met would like to visit me. She just graduated from college, the trip is a graduate present from her mother. She would also like to look at grad schools and see the lifestyle in the USA to determine if she is interested in doing grad school here (she does not speak english, but is interested in learning and doing grad school in USA). I understand the length of the trip to be 6-8 weeks.

Since she just recently graduated, she has no full time profession or school to come back to, which already looks bad. She doesn't have any family in the USA, everyone she knows is in south america. She IS going back for sure.

What is the better story to tell at the embassy (since both of them are true, but it sounds like you only get one shot): That she is visiting a friend or that she is looking at grad schools? Also, I understand that I should NOT sponsor her since then they might think she will get married (she will not) while here. Is this true?

Does her showing a return ticket help at all? Or will they not care?

Thanks everybody!! Help is greatly appreciated
She is looking into a university that has a intensive english for foreigners program for a year which following completion allows for entry into classes as a normal graduate student. The problem is, as expected, it requires a lot of paperwork and she is not sure she wants to commit until she sees the city and the university. But it will still be hard to overcome the assumption that she will not return since she has no job and just graduated (no school to return to)...
Then the reason for her visit is to visit and interview at universities. As long as she can demonstrate that she has appropriate funds for the program if asked, she may receive the visa. She or her parents (certainly not you) should sponsor the trip.