ADIT photo using Digital camera!


Registered Users (C)
Can we take ADIT photo ourself using a DIGITAL camera and print it at home on a photo paper in a home INKJET printer? Does it come alright and does INS accept such photos? Anyone who has done such things please share your experiences. Looks like I have to keep doing it again and again for AP and EAD renewals. I am trying to save few $ here, if possible.
thanks for your comments!
scan it

what you can do is ask the photo lab to shoot with a positive/negative type film and give you both the negative and the original.

next time you go to india, print out multiple copies of the negative.

else take your existing photo, scan it into the computer and print using a high resolution printer (try walgreens..) or at home.

Should work if it is authentic.

i havent tried this myself though, so please take with pinch of salt.
Re: scan it

Originally posted by long_wait_4_gc
what you can do is ask the photo lab to shoot with a positive/negative type film and give you both the negative and the original.

next time you go to india, print out multiple copies of the negative.

else take your existing photo, scan it into the computer and print using a high resolution printer (try walgreens..) or at home.

Should work if it is authentic.

i havent tried this myself though, so please take with pinch of salt.

I like this reply.

Buddy, Don't save few bucks to spend lot of money later.
Unless you already have the photo printer, its cheaper with studio prints. If you are looking for an excuse to buy a photo printer... :)
I am not encouraging this. But it is not a out of the world, if you have a good printer.

You should also read the recommended position, exposure, brightness etc etc.

Canon i950 is one of the best printers, pricey at $250 +/- 50
You can get epsons that should be pretty good for PP size photos at ~50.

It wont be economical for one EAD/AP; but for two... maybe. I am thinking it wont give you extra peace of mind either...

refreshing question though.
INS asks for the photographs on a very specific paper type

Polaroid film hybrid #5 is acceptable; however, SX-70 type film or any other instant processing type film is unacceptable. Non-peel apart films are easily recognized because the back of the film is black. Acceptable instant color film has a gray-toned backing.

If you are confident of meeting the above criteria along with a host of other requirements, then I guess it is okay to go ahead. But in my opinion, I would rather skip a meal and take good studio quality prints as compared to doing a patch job on my own and getting a RFE. (unless off course you are a photographer by profession)

It is a matter of 10 $. If the money is a problem, you might be advised to remember that in the INS requires you to make minimum of LC salary if you want to get your GC.
I did take ADIT style pictures with my digital camera, got them printed in costco and used them for my AOS processing without any problem. But please note that it is not to save some money, rather it is because of interest in photography.

I will post exact details when I have some time. By the way I wouldn't have used them if it was for AP (due to RFE risk). In case of AOS stamping there isn't much risk.

Get photos from good studio

I went to a nearby photo studio to get such photographs and paid a very high price. RFE was issued to my advance parole and my lawyer did not notify me. When I had an emergency I got to know that. I went to the studio that is known to be good for INS photographs and sent them again. I kept waiting in India praying for approval of AP. My job was to be terminated because I overshoot my leaves. In the end things worked well and I am back to work.

All due to laziness to get to better studio. RFE was for photographs and I would never take such risk again.
Here is the specification I could find for ADIT photos. It doesn't mention anything about digital one way or another. However, it mentions about type of paper. I think at the end of the day they are interested on a true picture which hasn't been modified. Digital photography can be manipulated. But, hey they are asking for digital pictures for the diversity lottery. In my view it is not worth it saving the 10 dollars or so of an experienced ADIT photographer.

I did my ADIT photographs at Costco (they take pictures too!) - they are the cheapest - $5 for 2 photos - you have to mention beforehand that you want to send these photos to INS and tehy will take care of the rest.
Re: Get photos from good studio

Originally posted by AOSWaitAtCSC
I went to a nearby photo studio to get such photographs and paid a very high price. RFE was issued to my advance parole and my lawyer did not notify me. When I had an emergency I got to know that. I went to the studio that is known to be good for INS photographs and sent them again. I kept waiting in India praying for approval of AP. My job was to be terminated because I overshoot my leaves. In the end things worked well and I am back to work.

All due to laziness to get to better studio. RFE was for photographs and I would never take such risk again.

oh boy - that was quite a scare just for photos - glad that it all worked out for you.
Once a wiseman from India when he visited US said this:


I didnt understand it well. So I asked him how is that possible. He simply said look at any shop or news paper all they say is SAVE $20 on this, SAVE $30 on this.

I am not implying to this posts. It sounded funny....

travel w/o AP


Sorry to be taking unrelated issues, but have a question for AOSWaitAtCSC. Did you leave for India without your travel parole. Is it OK to leave without the parole and wait for it in India or is there some risk involved? I have to travel to India on an emergency and its going to be 4 months since we applied for the AP... I am also contemplating leaving without AP and want to be aware of the risks.

Appreciate your reply.

It does appear so. People have posted here that they have left w/o AP, had the approved AP couriered to them later, and entered on it.

The AP rules clearly state that AP must be obtained prior to departing the US. So there is an element of risk.