address history question


Registered Users (C)
I was working in CA but living in MA for atleast 6 months a few years back. During this 6 months, was staying in hotel in CA and travelling back every 2 or 3 weeks to home in MA. In the address history, along with MA address, should CA stay be also mentioned or just MA address would suffice.
MA address.
Residence is where you get all your bills and indend to reside.
Travel for work or vacation is not material.
Yes, the "test" that I applied to where I lived was "did I tell anyone my mailing address". I lived in temporary housing for nearly 2 months during a company transfer, but told almost no-one my mailing address. I didn't list that address.
Thank you very much both of you for the reply.

That is what I got from others too but was still paranoid since the stay in CA was more than 6 months with a few days break for home travel.
We're going to have an interview on 03-09. We're 20 minutes apart to each other (i.e. 1 @ 7:40, 1 @ 8, 1 @ 8:20, and 1 @ 8:40). Does that mean that we're going to be interviewed by the same interviewer? What else do I have to bring besides interview letter, green card, driver license?

Thank you

It is impossible to tell whether you'll have the same IO or not. Most DO's have several adjudicators and its not clear to me quite how their cases are assigned.
There's a big long list of stuff to bring in one of the sticky postings in this forum. I don't think you need very much of it. What you need (to me) is:

  1. Anything that they tell you to bring in your letter (make sure to read the letter well). This is usually something like
    • The Letter
    • Your green card
    • Your current passport even if expired - it doesn't hurt to bring previous passports (dating back to the start of your permanent residence)
    • Some other ID
  2. The original of any document that you copied and submitted with your N-400
  3. Any documents that might back up claims that you made, examples:
    • court dispositions for speeding tickets that you mentioned on the application (or a state "driving record")
    • if you said you'd been committed to a mental asylum (for example) some documentation around that
    • if you are filing on the basis of marriage to a USC, lots of documentation about that (tax forms or transcripts, mortgage/utility statements, marriage certificate, etc)
    • etc
  4. if your passport doesn't list all of your entrances to the US (for example, trips to Canada), some proofs of your travels
  5. anything else that you think might be needed to back up something in your N-400 that might picque the interest of an immigration officer. Read your app over with a suspicious mind to see if something pops out at you

I brought all that stuff, but the IO only asked for my Green Card and my passport. All he did with the green card was check the dates and my A# (so it seemed). He did little beyond a thumb-through with my passport.

Good luck