Additional information request for I-485


Registered Users (C)
I just hear VSC for my case:"we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence information and information for this case...". Any one has experience for this situation? Please help! Thanks in advance for your help!
It could be anything

It could be something as simple as a missing document or it could cause serious problems. Without more information regarding the exact nature of the RFE it is impossible to know what the significance of the RFE will be.

James D. Mills
(formerly Jim M)
Attorney at Law
I get the same message last night

If I call IIO, will he/she tell us what additional information is needed?
This may save us some time to prepare the documentations.

Another question, after INS received the RFE response and if everything
is OK, usually how long will be taken to get approval?

If anyone has such experience, please share. Much appreciate.
My detail

PD 03/00
RD 4/4/01
ND 5/4/01
FP 12/7/01

On 01/10/02, my FP was reviewed and the case was resumed.
On 02/12/02, AVM said "we mailed out a notice requesting additional evidence or information ......".
No, an IIO will not tell you what\'s in the RFE letter.

After INS receives your response, the time it will take to approve your case varies. It could take a couple of weeks or a couple of months. It all depends on the officer who is assigned your case.