• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


New Member
Questions for naturalized citizens who came to the U.S. through DV Lottery and did an activation trip before settling in here permanently:
on the N-400 application, how did you clarify the activation trip? Did you list the activation trip as the 1st address, time spent in back your birth country(or where ever you moved here from) as the 2nd address, and then the address where you settled permanently into as the 3rd address, and so on? Or did you just list the activation trip as a trip outside the U.S. elsewhere on the application, as if you would have had a home address in the U.S. since the beginning of your activation trip?

Also, if anyone has applied 90 days before the 5 year anniversary of your green card, what did you list as your address for those 90 days before getting the green card? (Not AOS DV winners)

Thanks in advance for your answers and advise!