Accepting permanent position by terminating contract agreement.


New Member

I need answer to the following problem. Please read the following paragraph which will explain my problem.

I am working currently at company X (which sponsored me for H1B) as a contractor on an assignment at another company Y. I recently had interviews with Company Y for permanent position to join within a week or two. My contract with the company Y will expire in 2 months anyways. According to Company X of which I am a temporary employee, I can terminate the contract at any time without notice, and it also states that, I cannot accept any offer from company Y or any other company within the 6 months of termination of contract with company X without their written consent. My concern is, the agreement does not say that the company X will provide me another job upon completion of the contract assignment with Company Y neither it says anything about what should I do during the 6 months period after the termination of the contract with them (company X). I don't think I can survive without a job after termination of my contract with company X and on top of that as far as I know maintaining H1B status requires that I find another job within a month.

I believe I was able to explain my problem. I need to know what should I do if the company X disagree to provide written consent to join Company Y. If I join Company Y even if the company X does not allow me to join company Y or anyother company will I be doing it unlawfully?

Thank you.