AC I-140 from Chennai


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Is there anybody who is in the process of or cleared AC I-140 interview from Chennai consulate? Please post your comments/experience here.
Please suggest which route to take

Hello kd1403, Raju595 and all the gurus in this forum,

Please advice me!

I had opted for the AOS option and now I want to go through the AC I-140 option from chennai consulate. In the chennai consulate website, it is mentioned that they accept AC I-140 on a case by case basis. I am aware that I have to apply for I-824 and get the receipt before my attorney can send in my application (mentioned by kd1403 in many of the posts). In case the consulate does not accept my case, what happens then? Do I have to wait till I get I-824 approved to follow the CP route or can I still revert back to AOS? It is very confusing to me! Your valuable input is greatly appreciated. I have to make a decision based on your advice.

Thanks in advance!
Re: Please suggest which route to take

Originally posted by NIW_Houston
Hello kd1403, Raju595 and all the gurus in this forum,

Please advice me!

I had opted for the AOS option and now I want to go through the AC I-140 option from chennai consulate. In the chennai consulate website, it is mentioned that they accept AC I-140 on a case by case basis. I am aware that I have to apply for I-824 and get the receipt before my attorney can send in my application (mentioned by kd1403 in many of the posts). In case the consulate does not accept my case, what happens then? Do I have to wait till I get I-824 approved to follow the CP route or can I still revert back to AOS? It is very confusing to me! Your valuable input is greatly appreciated. I have to make a decision based on your advice.

Thanks in advance!


Sorry for not sharing your enthusiasm with regard to an AC 140
with Chennai Consulate.

The general feeling is Chennai does not accept AC 140 cases.
I do not remember any post which says that a specific case
has been accepted (others may correct me on this point).

So, that leaves only one option for you, that is to wait for the
Form I-824 to be approved before you can go for the CP interview.

If you count the I-824 approval time and the time which you may
have already spent in the AOS line, then you MAY find it better
to stick with the AOS Process. In my opinion the AOS process
stays on track till it is time for the I-824 to be approved. But
you may want to research and check with your attorney on this

Let us see what the other posts say on this matter.
