Ac-21 180 Day Rule


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

I have just spoken to INS adjudicator in Washington HQ abt 180 rule. They are ready to release the memo to INS district offices for implementation of this rule. They are just waiting for the papers to be signed off by the officials. They indicated it would take couple of weeks for this then INS will address Company name changes, Company re-org cases and 180 job changes with this memo. She did mention that regulations would take some more time. I don\'t know what to expect from regulations. I did ask her wheather the count of 180 days start from RD or ND and she clarified as RD.
Hope this helps for all us waiting for this news.

This is what I was told by the officer. Pl confirm with your own sources before jumping into any conclusion. This is no way any legal advice.

Thanks folks
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Could you please post the phone number for INS HQ and also the name of the officer you spoke to. THanks.