aanadi guy, fantoosh, loongwait PLEASE REPLY.....


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys!
what exactly you people got from our lawyer. Is it courtesy copies or actual approval letters?? Yesterday when my wife went he just gave courtesy copies. He said to her he havent received original copies yet. Please reply soon. So I can put pressure to collect my original copies.

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In my case I got the courtesy copies directly from the VSC. The lawyer got the originals and I have them now.

Hope this helps.
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Is there a date and time specified for stamping. Do you have to go to Newark for the stamping?
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Lawyer first told me that he has received both copy for me and just courtsey copy for my wife (12:30 pm yesterday). When I went there to collect that he handed me original copy for both of us (4:20 pm yesterday).