a tiny question about outer circle


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It is now widely known that for NIW application, the recommendation letters from outer circle (independent experts who have not worked with you) are very important.

I then have a question:

If a professor, who never meets me, states in his letter that he is very familar with my adivsor, then is it possible that the immigration officer will consider him as my inner circle rather than outer circle?

farhome said:
It is now widely known that for NIW application, the recommendation letters from outer circle (independent experts who have not worked with you) are very important.

I then have a question:

If a professor, who never meets me, states in his letter that he is very familar with my adivsor, then is it possible that the immigration officer will consider him as my inner circle rather than outer circle?


I would always try to ask the professor that he doesn't write anything about his relation to your advisor (this is a letter about your accomplishments) and let him write that he knows you by following your published papers. Otherwise there might indeed be the problem that USCIS thinks that this professor belongs to the inner circle