A silly question: If unemployed people can get unemployment benefit,

One has to have worked for a certain period of time to qualify for unemployment benefits, also as JoeF mentione, unemployment benfits usually run out after 12 -16 weeks.
If after that peirod one remains unemplyed and does not have saavings, own property, etc, one could qualify for certain forms of welfare (supplemental security income/SSI ,food stamps, cash handouts, section 8 housing etc)
If there are welfare program, why are there still homeless people?

If there are welfare program, why are there still homeless people?
AmericanWannabe said:
If there are welfare program, why are there still homeless people?
Because welfare payout barely covers cost of food and many homeless spend a part of welfare money on alcohol and drugs.
also many homeless people are mentally ill. some of them do not know how to even apply for welfare or SSI. On the other hand there are those who are able bodied, get SSI and work off the books. get Medicaid and game the system.