A rough calculation of BCIS revenues.

In addition to the funding BCIS gets from the government. On March 2003 they received 540,000 total applications. Let us say BCIS gets an average of 500,000 applications a month. Say roughly each application is charged a fee of $120 (a low number). BCIS would make $720 million in an year.

Last year they made $120 million in premium processing alone for the last 6 months of 2002. Let us say they make the same amount this year $240. Say the revenues approx. approach $1 billion.

I wish a part of that money could be used to hire more officers to adjudicate.
Check it out!!

All fees collected by BCIS/INS goes to US treasury.

BCIS/INS is given only the allocated budget.

There was some provision for Premium processing fees, but I do not remember that part.
border security

most of the emolument when I last heard was used for border security
However pugnacious we are all this susurrus willnot capitulate bcis to assuage our feelings

However preposterous the slander might sound it does have a prepotent element of truth.

i didnot want Mr. P feel he is among plebians and all of us are de profundis in the language.