A question for madgu-gc2005


Registered Users (C)
Hi, first of all, heartiest congratultions. Now that you're almost done, would you mind telling us when you e-filed your case, did you reuse the material (e.g., letters) you already had or got new ones with new dates?

Also, would you mind posting your credentials?


Hi, first of all, heartiest congratultions. Now that you're almost done, would you mind telling us when you e-filed your case, did you reuse the material (e.g., letters) you already had or got new ones with new dates?

Also, would you mind posting your credentials?



Thanks. My game is still not yet over :) Already VSC and NSC have messed up with A# and TSC joined with them. So the complexity has increased and I have to figure out how to solve this problem.

Regarding your questions

I efiled EB-1EA on Jan. 12, 2007.

Out of 11 letters 5 are old ones

total publications: 11 (8 first author - international journal - 2 out of 8 corresponding authors, 1 review article and 3 indian jounals)

Conference presentations: 11

citations: about 25

Membership: 3 associations

I claimed about 4 criteria

see the following thread too
