a pleasant experience with an IIO


Registered Users (C)
hi all,

just to keep up the good spirit......

i had earlier posted that i heard on AVM yesterday that my son\'s message had changed to RFE sent, but mine and my spouse\'s remained the same, i called up the INS today and the IIO (a very nice lady called Pam) said that there\'s some confusion, and she wasn\'t sure who the RFE was for, and took down my number and said she would call.

a pleasant surprise was when she did indeed call back in the evening and told me that the RFE is just for pictures to be resubmitted for my son, rest is all ok.

it felt nice, even though it\'s frustrating that the RFE will cause some delay in our approval, but well :)

my details:
pd 9/97, rd/nd 10/99, fp 2/01, rfe 4/13 not received yet.

any idea how many days it takes for the lawyer to get the rfe? how many days after that to send it to them?
