A Must Read


Registered Users (C)
Here is some information I found that was published on the American Council on International Personnel's web site (whoever they are). It contains some highly interesting information from the service centers. Apartantly the ACIP had a symposium last month attended by the directors of each of the BCIS service centers.

I have highlighted the bits I felt were most interesting.
Pretty interesting file Sir Paul

What is the ND of your application? Mine is around 03/27 (it is such a long time ago, I forget the exact date). I have been watching your posts - you seem to have a pretty sound grasp of statistics.

If you had to hazard a guess, when do you think the BCIS is going to do something about the rate at which the backlogs are growing? If things continue as they are, it will be years before they get to our cases.
Best Guess

My opinion on the process is that they do not care much about individual cases, for the most part they are indiferent whether one application takes 1 or 5 years to process. However if you do a search on BCIS and "Backlog Reduction", you will see that this issue is getting some attention. There seems to be the recognition that you cannot continue to allow backlogs to grow at a rate of 30-40k per service center per month. However they are hamstrung by the lack of resources and there is zero will for them to do anything that could be seen as reducing the 'security' of the system. They seem to be very mindful of the furore caused by the Sept 11 hijacker visa renewals and you must remember that BCIS employees are still working under the zero tolerance policy for strict rule enforcement. President Bush earmarked $500 million for backlog reduction over the next couple of years and to date none of that money has been appropriated by Congress.

In my mind there is nothing that will occur in the short term at least not to help my case much (I am a 3/18/01 RD). I am convinced that the backlog will continue to grow for the foreseeable future.
Paul ,

Can the people of this forum do something about it ?

Something like speak to Senators as one voice or sign petitions and send them to the appropriate people ? I am just thinking aloud here ?