A file?


New Member
Hi All:
I got my citizenship interview at San Jose 2 weeks ago and everything went well. After the interview, the officer gave me my N-652 and on the form, the entries "You passed the test of English and US history and government" and "USCIS will send you a written decision about your application" are checked and besides that line, she wrote "Awaiting relating A file". She explained there is another A file she is waiting and she has already sent the request to transfer this file to local office.

Anybody can tell me what does this mean? I thought normally either case it is approved or denied or additional documents needed. But what is this waiting for A file? Does that mean they don't have my file to approve me when they interviewed me?

On N-652, it says to wait 120 days. But does anyone has same experience and how long does take you to get an feedback?


First of all, would you mind to share your timeline for the benefit of those who are also in the San Jose office queue? You can see my signature for the type of information people usually share with others, if you don't remember some of those dates, that's fine.

Now, to your question. I think I have heard other cases with multiple A files. Usually people only have one A file (that's your immigration file). Some people might have more than one, in case they applied for different types of visas at the beginning of their immigration to the U.S. Are you in such situation? What probably happened is that they crossreferenced your personal data and found that there is another A-file for you and they need to retrieve it. Hopefully this won't delay you much, unless there is any derogatory information there (anybody's guess, things like visa rejections, arrests, things like that). If your past is clean you shouldn't have much issue. This is pure speculation, only thing I talk from experience is that I have read that some people have more than one A file. Perhaps you could do a search in the forum for A file and see what other people experience has been. Honestly the archive value of this forum is very important, as the people who have had these experiences might not be around to answer today, but left behind their experiences in writing. Happy searching.

Here are some threads I found on a quick search:
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Hey Huracan:
Thanks for your information!

Yesterday IO called my cell and told me everything has been worked out now. All A-files has been located and consolidated and I should expect to receive my oath letter soon.

I am at San Jose office, don't know how long it gonna take to get the oath letter and oath date.

Here are some log dates of my N-400:
DO: San Jose, CA
8/8/06 N-400 form mailed out
8/26/06 FingerPrint Appointment Letter
9/8/06 FingerPrint done
1/26/07 Interview Letter received
3/14/07 Interviewed
4/16/07 Case approved
??????? Oath Letter
??????? Oath Day
Hi doraDavid,

Thanks for the update and congratulations on the good news and for providing your timeline. I think it is pretty good that the IO took the time to call you and give you the good news. I think there is a ceremony at least one per month, and I think also that there might be more than one. Anyway, I think most people receive their letter within a few weeks. I think the next ceremony in Campbell is for tomorrow, so I am pretty sure you don't make it for this one, but hopefully for the one next month or earlier if there is a ceremony somewhere else.