A classic mind reader..Unbelievable..

Simple answer: Any (2 digit) number's individual sum of digits subtracted from the (2 digit) number will be a multiple of 9.

Update: So, just display a different symbol but show that as the symbol for multiples of 9. Exclude 90 and 99 as you cannot get them for 2 digit numbers.

2nd update: Thinking some more, if the 2 digit number is XY, subtracting X and Y, one always gets 9 * X (multiple of 9). Pretty smart though in confusing with a different symbol for 90 and 99.
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however I figured it out.
Take 2 examples or more then you'll know. the answer is only one symbol always. if you try again the symbols against the nos change. so...on any one screen shown to you..there is only one answer.....neat though
got the answer for you....

whatever two digit number you select, your answer will be always among following numbers... 81(90-99),72(80-89),63(70-79),54(60-69),45(50-59),36(40-49),27(30-39),18(20-29),9(10-19),0(00-09)... If you look at chart then all above number will have always same symbol and as you know it is different everytime you refresh it.
As a teacher in elementary school, I'm passing the website around. Its an excellent learning tool, and will mesmerize the kids (and other teachers).
Dont dig too much.. its simple..

(10x + y) - (x+y) = 9x.. always divisible by 9.. <end of topic>

:) enjoy the day guys. have a nice day.
pretty but a repition

Some time back there was another trick with cards where they removed the card you picked, guess what removed all the cards except the pictures were similar.
same thing here they keep changing the symbols but for any given set theres only 1 ans as mentioned above by other enlightened gurus.
It's very simple logic my wife got the answer

logic is XY - Z = symobols is same for all the values .. try it
Where Z =X + Y

Good luck