7th yr validity - if Pending labor from prev company is denied


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I understand that a person can apply for 7th yr extension based on a 366 days Pending LC from his Previous employer.

Lets say that the 7th year extension has been approved.

What happens to the 7th yr extn if the pending LC got rejected?

Your views will be greatly appreciated. I am not in this situation yet, but I am trying to gather information on what happens to the 7th year extn and subsequent extensions - if the pending LC is rejected.

If the above situation happens - Can that person apply for another LC from the current employer and still use his old LC for the extensions?
My understanding is that if LC is denied, all benefits derived from that LC (approved or pending) also get denied. However, I also feel that if at the time of approving 7th year extension the LC is still pending, then the extension can be approved and any further denial of LC will not have any impact on the already approved H extension.
I do not know of any reported cases that deal with this situation.
Just a personal (non-professional) opinion.