7th Year Extension stamping..


New Member

I just got my 7th year extension approved and am planning to get it stamped at the end of May when I travel to India. My 6 years expire on Aug 8, 2006. My attorney just raised a concern that, since there is a 2 1/2 month gap between the desired stamping date and the actual visa expiry date, the consulate might be unwilling to issue an extension. She says that consulates are becoming more and more restrictive in issuance of visas, generally citing fraud as the primary reason for this trend.

Is anybody aware of case(s) that were refused visa issuance because of this? I am planning to fly back in Mid-June. If God forbid, my visa issuance is refused, should I have any problem coming back on my old visa? Or should I just skip the stamping and try later at a Mexican Consular Post?

Any and all advice welcome.
