7th year ext denied and I-140 pending


Registered Users (C)
7th year ext denied and I-140 pending


My 7th year ext was denied with the following reason.

Non immigrant visa petition filed to classify the beneficiary under section 101(a) 15(H) of the Act was denied.

I am not sure what really this means. I got the explanation that the end client letter is missing. What options I have:

1. I have the EAD but I-140 is not yet approved. I am hoping that I-140 will be approved. But thinking practical on other if I move on the EAD but if my I-140 has some issues (like say denied for some reason) than I will have to leave the country.
2. Make an appeal. Atleast this will give me some time and by that I will know the decision on I-140.
3. Refile for H1 ext. This will cost me big money as I will have to sit at home until they send the decision on new H1-ext

Please help.