60 Days Waiting Time after RFE I140 EB1EA at TSC submitted - Sill No Response!


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Dear Forum,
I submitted I140 RFE response on 04/10/2007 in EB1EA category at TSC was submitted.
When I call TSC, the response was I should still wait for 30 more days.
When I asked the representative "Is the file missed", the response is it is at the officer, so still wait for another 30 days...
Hope this never happened to any one.
I request any suggestion on it.
How many LUD have you got since you replied the RFE? It seems somebody else got 3 of them before they heard anything...

BTW, who is your officer?
Only one LUD stating that the RFE response was received.
# 135.
The latest news is the representative said she will keep the alert.