540 days passed


Registered Users (C)
Hi, my I-485 has been turned in for over 540 days and still no sign of approval. I have checked with INS numerous times and the reply is always along the line of 'we have a backlog after 9/11 due to security check'. None of the IIO I talked to believe and want to hear the fact that people whose RD was way....behind me has got approval. So, anything I can do at this point? Thanks.
Call your senator

1. Try calling your local senator and request help.

2. Also ask your attorney to write a letter to them since it has taken longer than the projected 365-540 days - which in itself is a conservative number.

3. If possible try to get a reason as to why it is getting delayed, have you moved? Would it be possible that a RFE was mailed to you but you never received it?

4. Another option is to make a personal visit to your Local INS office (do this before 1 & 2) with your reciept number and other such documents... They can log into the system and check the status for you. They are normally more friendlier & helpful than the IIOs at the service center.

5. You need to try and micro-manage but for that you need to know the reason of the delay.

6. Would it be possible that your company or attorney did not inform you about something you should have know?

Best Luck.
thank you

I have just tried to contact congressman and they couldn't find anything besides 'case pending' and 'every case is unique so don't compare your case to others'.
Did you file your 485 through a Lawyer or your self...

Trying to see, why is it taking so long to adjudicate.

Is it becuase, no lawyer representation is there?
still pending

I applied through my attorney, but besides calling INS on the regular basis, not much they can do. My fingerprint has expired since 1 year has pasted, I have to do it again. INS said they shouldn't let me do the fingerprint so early. It's really wired. :confused:
That is really weird.....

What does your lawyer has to say about all these.... No RFE, but just taking time.....

I have got mine pending since Sep 2001, recently got RFE. Status is pending.

hang in there. Wish you good luck.