500 Servlet Exception ??


Registered Users (C)
What is this now?@#$%^&*()

Cant see the status and as you all know i am totally ADDICTED to this site so pls help
Hey Dumbo,

I get the same thing when I try to login. Now, if I type my case number like we used to do before, it says "Validation Error". I think their server just crashed :) !

Cool down a bit. I feel you will get approved soon ! :) :)
have u considered going to uscis re-hab for few weeks...this additions is not a good sign...

dumbo said:
What is this now?@#$%^&*()

Cant see the status and as you all know i am totally ADDICTED to this site so pls help
I Have tried everything under the sky and i think the only solution to my addiction is getting the GC. So.........................................................................................
BTW still not able to log on!!@#$%^&*&(*(
nOW I have the same exception too. Dont know what the damn @#$#@#$ at uscis are upto. Cant check status. This is my drug, gotta have it back. Stupid nincompoops cant even maintain their servers and databases.

Looks like killerboy is getting killed here. :confused: :eek: :mad: :(
i'm getting the same errors

i'm getting the same errors - servlet exception when i try to login and check my status using the cas status portfolio and validation error when i try to check my case status by typing in my receipt number. what's going on?
Have tou tried to clear your IE cache?
I need to go to the USCIS rehab too. Do they offer Internet access there, so I can check my status?
Hi Dumbo,

I got the same kind of errors (also got Null Pointer) for past 4-5 days and today also I was getting and finally the status changed to Approved. I am sure your status will also change to Approved soon. Best of luck and have faith in yourself. I understand your frustration as we had WAC numbers quite near to each other.
GCGCWhereAreYou, Congratulations on your approval and enjoy your freedom.
I hope you are right and we all are going to be approved these days.
Congratulations gcgcwhere r u and thanks for your good wishes too. All the very best in life.

seems like a good consolation which gcwhereru gave...just keep on working on that 500 servlet issue and you will be approved soon too...

dumbo said:
Congratulations gcgcwhere r u and thanks for your good wishes too. All the very best in life.