485 Approved


Registered Users (C)
EB2 RIR China
PD: 12/99
RD: 03/06/01
ND: 03/26/01
For my wife and myself, son got REF (probably medical,he did not take a X-ray check or immunized for a stuff)

Approved on Feb, 11th (Chinese New Year) and heard on AVM on Feb,12th

Wish you all good luck and happy new year!!!
hmm...no wonder all my chineese

co-workers called in sick and stayed home on Monday, Feb 11.....Happy New Year to Lee, Xian and Bill...
and Congratulations to you!!
No Title

happy new year
can you post if possible ,when you got RFE, when YOu replied and when got approved
thanks, i got RFE so curios