485 Approved

I received on 06/10/01 a courtesy copy for each of us i.e. me and my wife, from the INS indicating approval. My attorney hasn\'t received the official copy yet. Following are my details.

PD Apr 98
ND/RD Sep 99
FP Aug 00
RFE Feb 01
Don\'t know what it was regarding as the attorney responded without informing me about it.
Approve Date June 1st Week

I have been a passive part of the forum throught my GC process. This site rocks, It\'s been a great help for me. Thanks a lot to all the other people who have been keeping this forum going in a constructive manner.

I have a question for all of u out there Can I go to the INS office with my courtsey copy to get my passport stamped? (In the courtsey copy it is mentioned that, This copy may not be used in lieu of oficial ......) Does anyone have any Xperience in this regard??? Please post.
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I have done it using courtesy copy. Some INS officials may ask you to come back with original copy. You can take a chance if you don\'t have to make a long trip to INS office.