485 Approved !!!

Parag Shukla

Registered Users (C)
Priority Date - February 1998
Receipt Date - August 2, 1999
GC Approval Date - November 22, 2000

Whole process took 2 years and nine months.

Some advice to my waiting friends.

Practise Green Card Yoga.

During this tiresome process, your mind wanders, blood boils, you curse INS, your body shopper and you loose peace of mind. Do not get upset. Be calm and quiet. Think less about the whole process. Do not visit discussion boards too often. Only once every alternate day.
Concentrate on other aspects of life. Assure yourself, one day it will be over.

I have found lot of my friend thonking endlessly about the GC and with no use at the end except loosing the peace of mind. Don\'t do that.

With all the best wishes.
- Parag Shukla
No Title

I did not check on that day but next day and it was updated.

In fact I called the INS and the rep. told me - \'Congrats, It was approved yesterday. But you know what they forgot to print the letter. Don\'t worry. I am not taking calls tomorrow. I amnoting your number and will send letter tomorrow." It was very nice of her.

- Parag