485 approval based on geographic area?


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     I talked to my lawyer, who is a pretty popular lawyer in Boston area, last week. She told me that the latest approvals in her office were late Aug 1998 cases. This really confuses me. I have seen a lot of Jan, Feb 1999 cases, which got approved. I lives in Boston area. I am wondering any Jan, Feb 1999 cases, which were filed from Boston area, are still waiting for approval? My detail: 485 RD: Jan 4, 1999 ND: Jan 14 1999 FD: Jun 1999. still waiting...... : ( Thanks.

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My attorney tells me same thing...He did not see any approvals of Sept 98 onwards. He is NY area good lawyer too.
I have similar dates as yours and still waiting...! dunno what exectly delays our cases..!!!!
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i am not sure if your lawyer is right. i have seen people with RD 3/99 cases are under review from Boston. i am sure they will get approvals very soon. Any way who knows what VSC does!!!
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I don\'t believe in this at all. If you keep asking too many questions with your lawyers, they will come up
with something like this. I have two friends who got Approval and RFE, both are from Boston and
Approval\'s RD is 3/99 and RFE\'s 2/99. Dont listen to all this crap. Be patient everything will be fine.

Happy holiday.
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This is interesting. It is clear from reading this group, that there are a lot of approvals coming though for Feb/March 99. However, my NYC lawyer also just told me the same thing. That she has only seen approvals \'on or around October 98\'. Now, I don\'t pester her and I have a good working relationship with her, so I am sure that I\'m not just getting the brush off.
There is clearly a disconnect somewhere between some law offices and the stream of approvals.
My RD/ND is Feb 99.
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I agree with Sridhar. Why the heck would the approvals have a correlation to geographical location? I think people are too desperate to find some method to the INS madness. Here is my correlation - They are going by the applicants\' zodiac sign. They started at Aries and going all the way to Pisces. They are right now between Gemini and Cancer. How is that for a theory?
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my lawyer in ny also old me the same thing...latest approval seen of oct 98 and no further. God knows when this nightmare will end. I\'am vsc nov 98.
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Well, my lawyer, from NY (not very popular with me, I am afraid), scratched his head industriously at my question and gave me the same advice he has been giving me for the past 2.5 years. "Patience, patience...".

I wonder what MLK would have thought if offered such advice. Where the hell is St. Albans? Would a million I-485 march be of any use, you think? I am only kidding, guys, you could drop those timberlands right now...