2nd FP and OL message


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Will online message change after 2nd FP is done? How long it will be changed after FP is done?

Mine is done on 5/31/03, but online still show the old message..

Please post here.
mine is same as yours. I did called FBI to check the result of my fingerprintings. They (FBI) told me that the result of my FP was reviewed and sent to INS on the same day (5/28).

My wife also gave 2nd FP on the same day with me and her status is changed to "FP received on 4th JUNE"....

I did called BCIS today morning and heard a weired message like "there are some issues on your case and make sure that you mention that to IIO" !!!

I told that to IIO and she told me that FBI might have done your FP check but BCIS also checks the FP results. It is very common for the BCIS to take some time.

I have no idea what is the issue with my case????

does any one has same experience??
1st FP:02/13/02
2nd FP:06/04/03
AD:eek:nly god knows....

My spouse and myself did our 2nd FP on 05/31/03,mine voice mail got changed to FP recieved on 06/04, however my wife has still old message. Called FBI they said results for both of them were send very same day. I called BCIS as per them they will send a note to vermont service centre on my case and my spouse FP results. But i don't trust them anymore.
How to get notice for 2nd FP

How did u get notice for second FP ? Do I have to call them and schedule ?? or They will send me notice if 2nd FP needed.

Where to call FBi?

Hi guys:
I did my 2nd FP on 06/03/03...the message has not yet changed.
I just read that someone checked with FBI and found out that it was reviewed.
How can I contact FBI to check status on my FP?
Can someone post the contact info here?
------> jainew

Call FBI at 304-625-5590 or 304-625-2406.


-------> sainI, are you the primary applicant? I my case I am the primary applicant and mine is not updated.

I'm the primary applicant, for me it's changed on 6/4, however my spouse remains same. Called FBI, as per them they send FP to BCIS on 5/31 for me & my spouse. I don't know, what's going on with her voice mail update.
2nd FP - BCIS not updating

Thanks Jay_gc2001 for the contact info of FBI. I just called them and FBI told me that they had recd my Finger prints on 06/03/03 (the day when I actually went) and they processed it in 2 hours (yes 2 hours) and returned it to BCIS on the same day (06/03/03).
She also told me that now I need to follow it up with the BCIS.
But the reason to worry is that if FBI returned it on 06/03/03, why is BCIS not updating the info ? It still says the old message that results of my FP were recd on Feb 2002 (my 1st FP) and processing is resumed. Don't know what to do ? Can anyone suggest something ?
This is the similar situation for both me and my wife. Its more than a week and BCIS is yet to update it with the 2nd FP results.
There would be hope of approval only once the BCIS updates the FP info....else the file would not be even touched.

Am in the same situation. I and my wife gave FP on 5/28. Her AVM changed to FP received on 6/4/2003 and processing resumed on your case..... Mine says same old message "FP received on Jan 25 2002...." MY RD is 12/10/2001 and desperately waiting for GC. Want to visit India as soon as I receive my GC.

I also called FBI and got the same message that we processed your FP and results were sent to BCIS on the same day.

Called BCIS and IIO told me that it is very common to take some time to update your information. She told me that FBI did your background check and now BCIS will do the same. That takes some time for some cases (It was a nice tablet from her to cool me down!!!)

Nothing can be done by you or me. Even I am ready to volunter my self at BCIS if it helps them!!!

Does any other people are in the same situation where the result of your FP is not updated??
I'm in the same boat

My online status or AVM hasn't been updated. Second FP done 6/04/03 at San Antonio. With people whose RD's are in August and September, I'm trying not panic. Although it is very frustrating.

I hope they haven't lost my file.
2nd FP Details

RD - Dec18
ND - Jan03
First FP - 02/08/02
Second FP - 05/15/03 (Did early FP, scheduled was 06/16).

OL Message not updated after the second FP. Called FBI on 304-625-5590. They sent in the FP results to BCIS on 05/22/03.
Just check with FBI

Just checked with FBI, the sent in the result of second FP on 6/05/03. They didn't release the results to me.
For farhan1966

I see that you did 2nd FP at San Antonio on 6/4 . What was your scheduled date on FP notice? Do you know whether San Antonio ASC allows FP at an earlier date than the scheduled date? Do they do FP on Saturdays?

Would appreciate your reply......

I just ran a script of EAC-02-063. It dosent have a single approval/transfere/RFP on 06/10/2003. so it confirms that BCIS has stopped working on AOS cases.

Now I dont bother about my AVM message of 2nd FP. But now I am mentaly prepared for the 3rd RD. telling you guys many of us may receive 3rd FP.
No clue. I went on my schedule day although my lawyer told me to call and get an earlier date but it was already 6/1 when she told me I could go earlier ...so no, I don't know. What's your RD? Are you in Austin?
jay_gc2001: I am with you on that. I think we're the chosen ones. BCIS is gonna make an example out of us: "aa jatay hain green card lainay!".
Looks like there are a few of guys who are having same exp like ours (records not updated after 2nd FP despite FBI sending the results). I guess BCIS is taking its own sweet time in updating the records. I think I agree to farhan in that we are those chosen ones whose files will take years before they are looked. I don't expect any movement in next 3 months atleast.
What a luck...last year I had thought that I will get approval in Feb of this year.
I would request people with similar exp as ours (2nd FP and records not updated) to share with us so we know how long BCIS will take to update the message.