2nd Finger print and AP question


Registered Users (C)
Hello all,
Two questions:
1- My wife (secondary applicant) had her first finger print done in Dec. 2005. She got stuck in name check since then. Yesterday we received a letter for second finger print to be done next week. My question is, is it a usual thing to have the 2nd FP in 17 months? I thought it is every 2 years.

2- She is traveling overseas with AP for 2-3 months soon. What happens if her GC is approved and sent in this period? Can she come back with AP or it is invalid after GC is issued? If a friend gets the GC from the mail and brings it overseas will it be safer to come back with GC?

I appreciate you comments on these issues.
Thank you,
which category you are and what is your PD?

If your PD is not current then it is routine process sending FP notice since finger printing is valid for 15 months.

we received our second finger printing today and scheduled for next week and my PD is current (EB-1)

Better not to send GC by mail to overseas which might create certainly a problem at the port of entry.
Hello all,
Two questions:
1- My wife (secondary applicant) had her first finger print done in Dec. 2005. She got stuck in name check since then. Yesterday we received a letter for second finger print to be done next week. My question is, is it a usual thing to have the 2nd FP in 17 months? I thought it is every 2 years.

2- She is traveling overseas with AP for 2-3 months soon. What happens if her GC is approved and sent in this period? Can she come back with AP or it is invalid after GC is issued? If a friend gets the GC from the mail and brings it overseas will it be safer to come back with GC?

I appreciate you comments on these issues.
Thank you,

the fingerprints last for 15 months no more. if she gets another FP notice, it doesn;t mean for sure that her namecheck got cleared. to know about the namecheck, please make an infopass or contact ur congressman or senator to inquire with uscis .