221(g) Pink Form

Draco Potter

New Member
Hi, I interviewed at the Chennai Consulate on April 5th 2011. Since my passport was damaged, they asked me to apply for a new passport and gave me a blue form. Additionally they told me my case was put under Administrative Processing and gave me a case number and a pink form. They told me to keep checking the status online and once it changes to SEND PPT, courier the new passport to them via VFS. No other documents have been requested. I have received my new passport 2 months back. I check my case status online daily but it remains unchanged at PENDING PROCESS and it is already more than 4 months. Is there anything I can do to contact them. I emailed them a couple of times after 90 days had elapsed (since that is what we are told to do on the pink slip) and I get the same reply saying my case is still PENDING PROCESS.

Please Advise on what should be done.