2 finger prints - please help


Registered Users (C)
For the 485 application I had two fp notices. Code 1 and code 3. My intial appointment was for code 1 and I did not last saturday. The ASC refused to do code 3 for my first application. They said they already did code 1 and cannot do it again. Any idea what I can do? Since I already did code 3 in 2005, do I need to have done code 3 now or is code 1 I did just sufficient.
Please help!!!!! 2 Finger Printing Notice on the same date

Hi All,

Whether FP notice has any impact on EAD renewal? Here are the details.

I also have the same issue.The 2nd FP(CODE-3) notice came on May 11, 2007 which scheduled for May 10, 2007. The 1st FP(CODE-1) already done on May 10, 2007. Again we appeared in the USCIS office on May 12, 2007 and explained past schdule issue of the 2nd FP. They asked us to send for re-schedule. Now we are confused on the next step. Also our EAD is going to expire on May 31st. Our 3rd EAD renewal RD is Mar 12, 2007.

Thank You very much for your help in advace,