1032 Days and Still waiting!


Registered Users (C)
Heard from FBI that my name check is cleared about 50 days back. Everything is good to go. But no approval yet.

God are you seeing all this. Why do we have to go through all this???
I wish I had never come to this country...!!!!

From a very
Frustrated and Disappointed Immigrant...
April 2002 Filer
I understand your frustration. Can you please post more details regarding your application.
april2002filer said:
RD: 04/2002
1st FP: 04/2003
2nd FP: 08/2004
Name Check Cleared Dec 2004

In the process of applying for 4th EAD

My dates are the same
RD: 04/2002
1st FP: 04/2003
2nd FP: 08/2004
Name Check Not Done Yet

And I thought this was going to be over after the name check!
what is name check? Is it part of the FP process? How do I know, my name name chack has completed or not?
april2002filer said:
Heard from FBI that my name check is cleared about 50 days back. Everything is good to go. But no approval yet.

God are you seeing all this. Why do we have to go through all this???
I wish I had never come to this country...!!!!

From a very
Frustrated and Disappointed Immigrant...
April 2002 Filer

We all understand the things u are going through, all I can share is that sometime in life things doesn't go as we expect, there would be some reason and God knows it. and it would be better in your favour somehow,

Think in this way if God(whatever u belive) has written G.C in your luck , it would come on right time and noone can stop it :D . keep practice your faith and very strong and unshakeable believe on God(whatever u believe). prays are listened and answered.

We all would rememebr u in prays

Good Luck