1 month wait after advertising process


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,
Is it required to wait for 1 whole month after the advertising is completed for 30 days (that includes newspaper and website ads as per the norms) in order to apply for labor under PERM? I've read the PERM process in many sites and never heard abt this and just wondering if i'm mistaken as my lawyer said we need to wait 1 month b4 he can apply. Plz lemme know if itz true so that i can follow up with him abt this. Thank u.
Here is a good rule to follow to be safe: Pick the latest end date of all your recruitment methods (SWA job order, Sunday newspaper ads, website ads, campus placement, etc). Add 30 days to this date to get the earliest date on which you can file PERM. This means that there is a 30-day waiting period ("quiet" period) before one can file PERM.