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  1. M

    I have couple of Questions about H1B visa Status.

    When Employer can file for Immigration or Green card for h1b visa holder(employee) ? What would be the chanses of getting Green card or Immigration for H1b Visa holder ? At what stage of processing we expect maximum chances of getting Green card or Immigration ? Pls guys gave me your exp &amp...
  2. M


    No Title Thanks very much Mr. Ray s. I appriciate your response.
  3. M


    May i Know what is the procedure or process of TN visa for Canadian citizen. Thanks.
  4. M


    May I know what is the Procedure or processing of TN visa for Canadian Citizen. Thanks.
  5. M


    No Title Thanks for your response.I appriciate it Mr. Ray s.
  6. M


    can TN visa holder( Canadian Citizen) apply for U.S Immigration through employer. Mir.
  7. M

    Got Canadian PR but want to work in USA.

    Query Can TN visa holders(canadian Citizens)apply for U.S. immigration through employer? Thanks. Mir.