Search results

  1. M

    3-day overstay

    Just curious after reading some of these horrible experiences : can a canadian PR staying on TD (TN dependant) in the U.S. get into a trouble for overstaying 3 days?
  2. M

    Non-resident bying a house in the U.S.-is it a good idea?

    Thanks ... but I am still wondering what would happen with the house IF I loose my job. My job is secure right now but I want to be cautious - my wife and I had not a pleasant experience with INS before (nothing related to above mentioned). We just learned how picky they can be. My wife is a PR...
  3. M

    Non-resident bying a house in the U.S.-is it a good idea?

    Does anyone have experience with owning a house in the U.S. and being a non-resident (Canadian in my case - TN visa)? If I loose my job would I be allowed to stay until I resell my house ? Can INS take over my propery for some reason? I will appreciate all comments. Thanks.