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  1. T

    Declaration of funds

    Kindly help, I am landing in canada on Monday feb 21..I am right now in india on a vacation and spent all the travellers cheques i had got with me,the problem now is I have all the money in my USA bank but Do i need to show funds at the landing process and if i have to show 1. how much...
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    Dress Code for interview

    Wearing a suit is always better and looks more professional Good luck
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    Certified Marksheets

    It is always best to get all ur marksheets notorized as that is what they have specified in their requirement and if u give them what they ask for ur process get faster. U can notorize it at any bank or any one who can notorize good luck
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    FPI clearence and new Address

    Just apply for a new one and dont waste any more time the process takes atleast 2 months time, maybe u can send them a letter with the fbi finger print card and tell them that u shifted and u are reapplying, it might expedite the process Good luck
  5. T

    Processing times of Various Visa Offices of USA for Canadian PR

    Times It does not matter which location u select, depending on the application queues they can give u a diff location too....So just give ur preference depending on which is closer to where u live but in the end they decide and give u the location...and all application will go thru buffalo only...
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    Time it takes for the canadian authorities to get the medicals in USA.

    I have finished all my paper work and did my medicals on June 28th was wondering the Time it takes for the canadian authorities to get the medicals in USA. Kindly help. GOod luck to Tara :-)
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    Interview-Detroit-LA Trackers

    Hi Just search in n these u will fine it under la interview and detroit interview, itis very will give u good insight about the interviews. Yep u need a lot of patience My interview call took a year after i got the letter from detroit but my point system was diff then so...
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    Detroit Interview

    My interview on July 26th 2004 Hi guys, The interview was only for 5 to 10 mins.... 1st important thing for anyone going for an interview is to get their CAIP notes...becoz that gives u the case details and u know exactly what they are looking for.... In my case they did not find my first...
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    Detroit Interview

    no w2 forms Guys i need help... I dont have one years w2 form and the other question is do they check what salary we have earned in the w2 since i did not work the whole year the eaxes paid too are low.... i have applied for my fbi clearance but just in case i dont get it by the date of my...
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    Language proficiency

    hi, i have seen in this site in a couple of places people have got letter from school and college stating that they medium of instruction was english and their first language is english tooo...i am taking the same for my interview in july if anything i will update it on the site good luck
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    New York

    check the site , this site should tell u if ur case has reached there...good luck
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    Birth Certificate

    I think u can get both the police clearance and even birth certificate from the nearest indian embassy in usa..i had noticed it on the miscellaneous application form, that we can apply for both the birth certificate and police clearance... Good luck
  13. T

    Detroit Interview

    HQUSA. did he ask u any other questions that i need to be aware of.... I dont have one years w2 , do they look at what taxes i have paid in the past as i did not work the whole year so the taxes ive paid are less...wil that have any problems....
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    Got CAIPS Notes

    sri25....detroit is processing very slow... it took them 54 weeks to call me for an interview...hope u have better luck than mine....i understand ur frustration...just be patient...i have my interview on jumly 26...hope all goes well... good luck sri...
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    Detroit Interview

    Wud appreicate ur help, i have a messed up emplyment record too...out of 3 yrs i have been here i have 3 yrs of w2 forms only, what do i do about it...what were the kind of questions they asked u, any help would be greatly interview is coming up soon, i applied in january 2002...
  16. T

    Detroit interview on July 26 pls help

    Hi guys, I have got an interview call in detroit on July 26 2004. Time line applied on Jan 2002 interview call on July 26....after a long frustrated wait... I am anxious about the interview, can any of u please share ur interview experience with me....... My emplyement record is a bit...
  17. T

    Detroit Interview

    Interview help THanks nmohsin for all the detailed help, I had two other questions 1. i have been in usa for 3 yrs and i have my w2 for 2 yrs only will that be a problem, 2. my emplyment history is not continuos, what can i do about that... 3. If i get the indian police clearance from...
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    Detroit Interview

    hi guys, I have also got an interview call from detroit on July 26, anything important i need to know about any questions they asked u'll about, should i do my medicals and take them? i applied in january 2002 and got the interview call today june 5,i have had a long wait...any help wpuld be...
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    Buffalo Tracker (please add)

    hi guys, it takes appromiately 8 to 10 weeks for caSE TRranfer in my case and thenn it takes about 52 weeks for them to schudle an interview and then they inform u 2 moinths before the interview date....u can keep checking on the site.... for all ur case details good luck...
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    Buffalo Tracker (please add)

    interview call Dear nmohsin, Hi , i have a few questions and wud appreicate ur help... i have just got an interiew call at detroit for july 26th....if u cud help me i wud appreciate it. 1. do i need to do medicals , they havent asked me for it 2.what kind of questions did they ask u, if u...