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  1. O

    EAD timeline after RFE

    you can simply go to local office and request an iEAD (interim EAD) valid for 6 month
  2. O

    AP: NBC stamp???

    I just got an APtoday and I'm curious: is empty space for "National Benefits Center" (Parole Stamp) IMAGE was left blank intentionally and it will get stamped on the border whenever I come back,or I have to go somewhere and have it stamped before traveling anywhere? (bar code was...
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    EAD timeline after RFE

    EAD after RFE Hi All, Thank you all for the tread: it gave me yet another evidence that at USCIS hands don't know what the head is up to: whenever I called, they stated that EAD/AP doesn't depend on Medical Exam... yeah... right... Here is my timeline: sent USPS 06/10/05 RD...
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    F1 travel - file for AOS or not to file

    I've got married half-a-year ago on USC but never bothered to apply for AOS -- I'm currently on F-1 visa. We're planning a trip back home this summer, I thought to use my F-1 visa which is valid until this Oct, so theoretically I should be fine -- I haven't filed any documents for AOS yet and...