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  1. L

    Legal Action Against DOL

    I am not against a lawsuit, was trying to think outside the box, there's no point fighting the agencies, an adversarial approach will only delay our cause, remember labor apps are employer's right, we might say the United States needs immigrants and all that, but that is not going to help...
  2. L

    Legal Action Against DOL

    GcDude, great idea, Instead of wasting lot of time about collecting names and signatures, which might take days on end, I would suggest, 3 or 4 people conference with Rajiv, since you took the lead, why don't you decide and discuss with him, as to what best can be done. Let the others...
  3. L

    Legal Action Against DOL

    Hi guys, the chicago dol members will remember me, I had moved to India after starting a thread to initiate a letter writing campaign for faster service. If I may give a suggestion, though I am not interested in pursuing my labor app, there is no point in fighting the department of labor...
  4. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker

    Hi CharlesMighty, real good news for Walter, if at all they start processing, I don't think there is that much backlog in NonRir, since most of the cases are Rir, so at least for his kid's sake, let's hope they start, long ago I used to analyze the numbers by calling the AVM, and noticed...
  5. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker

    Hi Walter, welcome to the queue, as far as I know you are the first in the queue, then comes Charlesmighty and then me, although I have given up hope and am in India, well, we did call the regional director a few months back regarding regular cases, this is what the supervisor said, they...
  6. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker

    Hi Walter, your case, if the number is correct--05421549--was rcvd at the regional office on april eighth 2003. It has been remanded to the state on february 23rd 2004, I am not sure if this is a regular or reduction in rec case, check with your lawyer, you can verify the status by ringing...
  7. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker

    Guys, I think the time for petitions has passed, once they decide to shift offices, I don't think we can influence them anymore. For good or evil we all decided to depend on an undependable system, the lucky ones have gotten their labors cleared, the fact that our apps are stuck does not...
  8. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker

    At the regional stage in non rir, you can get either limited or regular review, limited reviews are faster, regular reviews are very very slow, as per people, limited ones have been processed even with dates of july 2003, regular ones are stuck in august 2002, obviously if you are in rir...
  9. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker

    Hi Charlesmighty, the other non rir case was for a non-IT case, as you might be aware, they are processed out of turn and we cannot do anything about it. I think there was one other case from Michigan long ago. But that again was limited review at the regional level, one of my friend's...
  10. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker

    Hi CharlesMighty, you might as well start making some serious noise with your company and lawyers, non rir has been stuck in August 2002 since more than ten months, having waited this long, it might not hurt to keep on waiting, but if I were you, I'd call the supervisor or ask the company...
  11. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    Hi guys, this is bad as well good news, so far 30 people have joined in. Unfortunately, I am leaving for India permanently on labor day, what an irony, last night I accepted an offer for self and spouse contracts in India, the website I posted my resume was Initial response...
  12. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    Hi guys, thanks for the support, we are up to 21 signatures now, just 3 hours into the petition drive, forum readers excuse the acceptance posts, it is tiring to read one after other postings saying count me in, but I will be frequently out, so can't check private messages, after couple days...
  13. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    Thanks Puhrince, once we get the list of supporters ready--hopefully by tomorrow evening--let us hope at least 200--we will draft a petition, we'll give final touches during the weekend, I have all the contact details of all the congressmen senators Bush Ridge Khatri et al, it might take...
  14. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    OK guys, if you are all willing to fight, I am willing to lead, but first of all let us see, how many are willing to join, I have committed almost 6 years of my life here so am willing to fight for a chance to live here. I'll check after 24 hours, those who want to sign a petition which...
  15. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    I do agree, the Canadian market is not as big as the U.S., but it can be kept as an alternative. There's another possibility, you all must have gotten letters from your employers and the labor department saying that your apps will be processed in such and such time, you can always sue the...
  16. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    Rest_2004, Labor applications are employers property, as applicants, we don't have any rights, our employers are responsible for the sponsorship of the greencard, so any hope of ever seeing the end of the tunnel with any kind of lawsuit is hopeless. Best solution, have a backup plan like...
  17. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    Kanjoos, if your six year limit is approaching, then consular processing is out for you, you can't work unless you have h1 extension, and you have to take a risk and go for an extension. Whereas with 485, you are pretty much sure of getting a work permit, well more or less. Then if your...
  18. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    Guys, Kindly stop all sorts of speculation, none of us know what's happening in Chicago, so let us wait till someone gets approved or someone's lawyer gives some snippet of information. Having waited all this time, a few more months won't make that big a difference, in fact waiting with...
  19. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    Hay Metaman, you are right in suggesting canadian immigration as an option. In fact, many are moving back to india, I say this as a majority of members are from the subcontinent. Oh my God, if they process at that slow a rate, we'll have to make labor approvals inheritable. But federal...
  20. L

    Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

    Guys, just be patient, all our hemming and hawing is not going to do anything, we are at the mercy of the labor department, the best we can do is keep up hope, most of the guys here have survived one if not two recessions, its the U.S. that needs us, and sooner than later the whole world...