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  1. S

    NC SESA progress?

    No Title My lawyer said that nc esc received the papers in August and until now, it\'s been 4 months, they haven\'t approved it yet. Atlanta is fast now, but NC seems to be taking a very long time.
  2. S

    NC SESA progress?

    No Title NC takes a long time to process papers. I\'ve seen it in this website, is it true that if the lawyer sends them a letter because time is running up on my h1b, they can process it earlier? I\'ve only seen this message once and I don\'t know if this is true.
  3. S

    NC SESA progress?

    status of lc Does anyone know what month the NC sesa is processing now? I have submitted my papers on August 2001 and until now I don\'t have any news. There is only the receipt from lawyer that fedex was received.
  4. S

    7th year extension rule

    I\'ve seen several interpretations of the 7th year extension. Can anyone help if in my situation, I can apply for it? I have submitted my lc in aug 2001 and my 6th yr expires on jun 2003. I\'m confused on the part with the 365 days. If my lc is approved after jun 2002 and file for I140, am I...
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    North Carolina SESA Processing times

    Status,245i,new DOL directive Hi folks! Does anyone know what day is NC SESA processing now? What is 245i and how does it affect us? I also saw the new DOL directive to have more scrutiny for RIR cases? Will this affect the new ones only or affects also those filed last year and still...
  6. S

    North Carolina SESA Processing times

    raleigh status i\'ve also just checked with raleigh and they\'re still processing april cases, they have 300 cases or more to process for that month. does anyone know the automated number for Atlanta?