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  1. D

    November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

    Guys, Recieved my PP today and everything looks ok, no typos. I have already booked my tickets today and am flying on 3rd march. SL---------DC---------Aprvd----rcvd 11/24-----12/12------2/26----3/1 One more thing which i noticed was my banker's checks are still not encashed, last i...
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    November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

    Friends, I can track mine its Picked-up by FedEx today and to be delivered on monday. I haved spoke to FedEx customer service to have delivered tomorrow if possible. SL ---> 11/24 DC ---> 12/12 2/24 ---> PrintQ 2/27 ---> En-routed (FedEx) Will update the forum when i get it with...
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    November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

    aakarsh Thankyou for the update. Best and Good Luck for Rest of Us daroori
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    November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

    Babji_nadh Please update the forum when you recieve the PP, approval date and all that, it helps all of us a lot. Good Luck All ! daroori
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    November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

    PrintQ raju_dv, Can you update if you have any about the PrintQ... As per professional his was approved on 20th and was enrouted on25th which means its taking 3 business days... What do you guys think about this... Daroori.
  6. D

    November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

    vijayAkash, Just waiting for it... when did you call and what about your details such as SL--->DC---->etc Have You asked how long it would take to get the PP ? Daroori.
  7. D

    November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

    Yeah i think those are the list of confirmation that i know off...can somebody update with the PrintQ timeline please... Daroori
  8. D

    November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

    Friends, This evening at 3.00pm i was able to speak with the Visa Specialist, DC... upon request she was kind to look into my passport # , name and pulled my record and conveyed that "It is Approved but is in the Print Queue, would take approx 10 days to get" I forgot to ask her...