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  1. B

    Passport Stamping-- Arlington- Anybody who went recently??

    You can do like this. Have your spouse to drop you at INS office around 5.30 Am and let your spouse join you back between 7.00-7.30 AM along with your kid. The advanatage is;there is a parking lot ( next to ins bldg) and they open at 7.00 am. this all work only if you are within drivable...
  2. B

    PP Stamping in VA with courtesy copy ?

    Any body has experience in having PP stamped with courtesy copy in Arlington VA. My lawyer did not receive the original yet. AD 01/25/02. Another Qn is Do my 10 yrs old son got to go for stamping too? Thanks in advance.
  3. B

    Got my Plastic card

    Is it Arlington , VA? Did you get stamped with courtesy copy or did you take original too.
  4. B

    Friend\'s case Approved. Different notice for kid(5 years) Help !!

    That\'s normal for kids Can you post details, like AD and when he rcvd notice ? Mine AD 01/25/02, still waiting for notice...
  5. B

    Anybody waiting for Approval Notice after 2 weeks - Approved 01/18/02

    Congrats DAN1, I got mine too, today. AD 01/25/02 and received 02/07/02.
  6. B

    Anybody waiting for Approval Notice after 2 weeks - Approved 01/18/02

    Since janfiler got it, DAN1, Let us hope that we get within next 2-3 days. AD 01/25/02, still waiting, I did not get even in today\'s mail too.
  7. B

    Anybody waiting for Approval Notice after 2 weeks - Approved 01/18/02

    DAN1, It looks you are the only one not recvd approval letter so far... What did your lawyer suggest ? I wish you should get it today.
  8. B

    How long to recieve approval notice?

    AD 01/25/02, Waiting <EOM> &nbsp;
  9. B

    VSC Plastic Card Tracker

    cards received EB2 India RIR PD 4/99 ND 02/01 AD 01/02 PP Stamping @ Arlinton, VA on 02/13/02. card ordered on 03/06/02. cards rcvd on 03/11/02
  10. B

    VSC Plastic Card Tracker

    AVM Changed "Card Ordered" EB2 India RIR PD 4/99 ND 02/01 AD 01/02 PP Stamping @ Arlinton, VA on 02/13/02. card ordered on 03/06/02.
  11. B

    RFE for Medicals- Pl. Help

    Any more ?? <EOM> &nbsp;
  12. B

    RFE for Medicals- Pl. Help

    RD : Jan 30,01 ND : Feb 08,01 RFE Issued on Dec 03, 01 and received it today. My doctor did not enclose supplement to i-693. RFE is for that. My Medicals were done in Oct 2000. INS sent back the original medical form ( i-693) which I had submitted along with 485. RFE letter says &quot...
  13. B

    Feb01 Approved, RD:02/16/01, ND:02/28/01, RIR, EB2, INDIA

    Spoke to IIO @ 3.30 Congrats. Mine is: RD:Jan 29,01 ND: Feb 08,01 FP : Oct 12,01 EAC-01-098-XXXXX AVM Changed from not found to received on 11/07/01. Spoke to IIO. She is unfriendly. She just said FP is good and everything looks good. She says she doesn\'t know how long it will take...
  14. B

    My case approved, but spouse\'s case still pending.

    liugz, Pl. give your details... &nbsp;
  15. B

    Feb 2001 Group...

    vikn, vikn, Interesting, even your FP date matches with mine. When did AVM changed for you from &quot;not found&quot; to &quot;Received.....&quot; BJR.
  16. B

    Feb 2001 Group...

    RD Jan 29,01 PD: 04/99 RD :01/29/01 ND :02/08/01 FP :10/12/01 140 for AOS EAC-01-098-XXXXX AVM : Changed from Case not found to received on 02/07/01. BJR.
  17. B

    485 Feb ND Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats !! &nbsp;
  18. B

    Feb 2001 Case Approved

    Congrats !! &nbsp;
  19. B

    EAC01 073 xxxxx Just Spoke to IIO

    AVM Changed It used to be &quot;case not found&quot; .It changed to &quot;Your application ....&quot; today ie Nov 07, 01. Same thing for my wife. But for my son still it is &quot;not found&quot;. RD: Jan 29,01 ND Feb 08, 01 FP Oct 12, 01 BJR.