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  1. S

    Unique problem!

    Dear GCFasttrack: To Quote your postings which you refer to constantly - '...To be truthful I don't know who is right or wrong in this situation the guy or the gal...." Ergo my statement (see my posting) - "This is NOT a forum to determine who is right or wrong (about what?) ..." please...
  2. S

    Unique problem!

    Dear GCFasttrack: What are you talking about? This is NOT a forum to determine who is right or wrong (about what?) ... have you looked at your postings ... man talk about RUDE!!!! I am of a mind to talk to the webmaster about this ... Besides - I AM NOT YOUR BUD .... Thanks
  3. S

    Unique problem!

    Dear GCFasttrack: Your situation sounds very similar to an acquaintance of mine. However, he recieved his GC about a year ago and the spouse (who proceeded to file for divorce) about three monhts ago. So I don't know if it applies. Moreover, this was a case where I felt little sympathy...