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  1. S

    Marital Status / Spouse Name in Passport

    Hi, Having got May date (May - 28 Chennai) for interview confirmed, My attorney gave me a check list : One of the items is "Marital Stauts in Passport and Spouse Name" - I got married in June '02 and my wife got the H4 visa without any change in her passport (Passport did not reflect...
  2. S

    Birth Certificate (initals expansion)

    Hi, I have Birth certificates where my name is in full (properly expanded): But the name of my father and mother are having initials: K. V. Venkateswaran , V. Vijayalakshmi Will this be an issue ? Is it good enough if I take an affidavit from my parents in stamp paper also along which...
  3. S

    P4 to Indian Address -

    Hi All, Can someone answer what type of post the P4 is sent from US consulate to Indian Local address if specified ? Courier that requires Signature (or) Ordinary Post.. Thanks in advance ! -Sriram.