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  1. N

    Iowa SESA Tracker

    Hi Iowa I filed my LC during first week of Feb 2004. Till now I did not hear anything from SESA. My lawyer most of the IOWA cases they did not get receipt letters but they received letters about case transfers from SESA to Chicago DOL. Please post here if you have any update on your...
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    Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    One more RIR is denied Dear Friends, Today I came to know that my LC is denied at Phily DOL. My six months waiting ended with this bad news. Details: SWA: Delaware (Received Date 08/22/02) Catagory: RIR /EB3 (Programmer Analyst) DOL: Philadelphia (Received Date 11/13/2002)...
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    Delaware SESA Tracker

    My company do not have any lay offs and pretty stable with good financial health. I could not get hold of attorney to discuss about these denials. But, it looks like RIR denials became very common now. My case is EB3/RIR.
  4. N

    Delaware SESA Tracker

    My LC (EB3/RIR) is applied in Delaware on August 23rd. Till now I did not get any update from my lawyer. I do't know whether my file has been transfered to Phily DOL or not. How can we know about the moving of LC file from Delaware SESA to Phily DOL. One more strange happening is, when I...