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  1. G

    approved RD Sep 04

    having problem on updating rupnet Hi guys I'm having problem to update rupnet. Today I tried at 10 AM EST. When i submited my data i got the debug message such as 'before if' 'after if' 'in while' and keep on going in a loop. (I thing our programmers forget the comment or remove the...
  2. G

    Approved RD:09/05

    congrats Congrats murals72. Mine also approved RD 09/04/01 AD 10/09/02 Good luck!
  3. G

    approved RD Sep 04

    Thank you well wishers Thank you for the wishes. After 4 long years of GC processing, After 6 long years with the same company, I got the freedom. "Every dog has its own day". So this is my day. So you get your own day very soon. Good luck!!
  4. G

    approved RD Sep 04

    Hi Guys, My case has been approved on Oct 9th, 2002. I checked AVM and online for me and my wife, Both the cases has been approved. Thanks for the all the senior and junior member of this site. It gave me lot of information. keep up the good work. I wish you all get GC approval very soon...
  5. G

    Just spoke to IIO 10/8 3:46 EST

    same for me too I did the same thing on 10/07/2002. I called arround 3:50 PM I never called them before. I also ran out of patience like RD_Sep27 after seeing lot of oct approvals. The IIO said you may hear from us with in a month. Mine and my wife's case assinged to the same officer...
  6. G

    RD 09/21 approved

    good luck! There you go! enjoy the freedom