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  1. S

    Hey all

    Dear all, I miss you all. I wish you all well. I have been away from this forum for quite a long time and hope that you are all doing well. I am very excited to read that many of you already got your green cards and that others had their asylum approved. I wish those who are waiting to finally...
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    Interesting article about green card delays

    This article is from the Financial times. It is interesting that they hardly mentioned asylees' delays
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    Got my Citizenship

    I made a decision not to contribute to this forum after getting sick of neo-conservative self-hating ideologues who took this forum over with their concrete minds and babbling garbage. However, I wanted to share with other forum members some great news. I applied for citizenship and I got...
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    Let us send a strong message to CNN and its hateful anti-immigrant gun-lover Lou Dobbs
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    Let us send a strong message to CNN and its hateful anti-immigrant gun-lover Lou Dobbs
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    Please sign this petition

    Let us send a strong message to CNN and its hateful anti-immigrant gun-lover Lou Dobbs
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    fire lou dobbs

    Please sign the petition to fire Lou Freaken Dobbs
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    Lou Dobbs

    Please sign the petition to fire Lou Freaken Dobbs
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    Please sign the petition to fire Lou Freaken Dobbs
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    Change of heart?

    I just noticed how Lou Dobbs finally started to pay attention to the real criminals: employers who exploit undocumented aliens. Rather than exhibting his racism towards helpless people who want to feed their children. He was castigated by a man who created a web site called...
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    Great news for asylees

    Great news! A Kenyan woman was denied asylum and was deported to her country to face death. The US government settled the case with her and paid her a lot of money when she managed to come back. The government already gives asylee hard time and freaken republicans and Lou Dobbs want to make it...
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    Murdered by George
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    Told you so

    I told you these 2 racists are lovers and you did not believe me. Here is the evidence :D
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    Two Racist men in love

    Check out these 2 miscreants holding hands in the park like lovers .
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    please respond

    please respond to this poll about Lou Dobbs
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    please respond

    please respond to this poll about Lou Dobbs
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    Lou Dobbs Poll Let us all respond to this poll and then send the link to Lou Dobbs. He may read a poll different from those posted in his web site :D
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    Real ID R.I.P.

    The bill died for now. Read the last paragraph: Senate will talk about it in "another time."
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    Lou Dobbs

    Did anyone watch CNN's Lou Dobbs tonight? The show painted a bad image of asylees and was especially critical of Chinese asylees, and accused them of fraud. Lou Dobbs has initiated a vile attack on immigrants and now asylees are being targeted by his vicious whining. Again, this is a perfect...
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    Debate in Senate

    I am watching a debate on the senate about immigration right now (3: 50 PM EST). It is live in C-Span 2. Senator Kennedy is now speaking, and as always, is fighting the fascist republicans for more immigrants' rights