Search results

  1. R

    H1 transfer and stamping in India

    Hi NK, I could not understand "If you are in a job that has listed on technolgy alert list they you might get a check name that might take months for them to process while you are waiting and you might loss your job." Can you please elaborate this? I am a Software Programmer. My problem...
  2. R

    H1 transfer and stamping in India

    I am working for employer "A" and my Visa is expiring soon. I found employer "B" who wnats to transfer my Visa. But I have to go to India in Fourth week of August, while my H1 transfer is still in processing. Can I get my H1 visa stamped in India with the new approval notice? If it is not...
  3. R

    H!B Visa holder on unpaid leave

    I need to go to India due to domestic requirements and stay there for a while. My employer won't pay me during that period(ofcourse no employer in this world will give a one year paid leave). Is it allowed or I will be out of status because I am not on payroll? Please advise me.